Shadow and the Apocrypha of First Contact (Con of First Contact, #2) by V F Scrive
Lucky 3 (Lucky, #3) by Lesley Ann Eden
Chained Awakening (Sins of the Forefathers, #1) by J D Campbell
Phoenix VR by T G
All That Monkey Business by Chip Haynes
Chopping Mall by Joshua Millican
Paladin (Galactic Empires) by Edward R Woody
Mistrunner 4 (Mistrunner, #4) by Nicholas Searcy
Crossroads of Oblivion #2 by Dem Mikhailov
Starblood #4 by Roman Prokofiev
Starship Bandits (Starship Bandits, #1) by Ross Buzzell and Jonathan Yanez
Lights! Camera! Mayhem! (Chronicles of St Mary's) by Jodi Taylor
To Be or Not to Be
Machiavelli The Immortal
The Owner of the Crown
Chaotic Orbits
Robot Horizon
The Doomed Earth
The Rift Walker
Lightspeed Trilogy
Iron Widow
Sun Eater
The Desert Magician's duology
Lord of War Origins Science Fiction Trilogy