4,310 books • 6 series
Valentine and Orson the Two Sonnes of the Emperour of Greece
The Loyal Medal Vindicated a Poem. (1682)
An Answer to a Late Pamphlet, Called an Essay Concerning Critical and Curious Learning, in Which Are Contained Some Short Reflections on the Controversie Betwixt Sir William Temple and Mr. Wotton, and That Betwixt Dr. Bentley and Mr. Boyle (1698)
The Loyal Observator, Or, Historical Memoirs of the Life and Actions of Roger the Fidler, Alias, the Observator (1683)
Free Thoughts Occasioned by the Heads of Agreement Assented to by the United Ministers in and about London Formerly Called Presbyterian and Congregational. (1691)
A New Declaration of the Confederate Princes and States Against Lewis the Fourteenth, King of France and Navarr Delivered in a Late Audience at Versailles, July the 15th, 1689 / Translated Out of French. (1689)
Liberty of Conscience Explicated and Vindicated, and the Just Limits Betwixt It and Authority Sacred and Civil, Cleared (1689)
An Account of Marriage, Or, the Interests of Marriage Considered and Defended Against the Unjust Attacques of This Age in a Letter to a Friend. (1672)
Fortune's Bounty, Or, an Everlasting Purse for the Greatest Cuckold in the Kingdom (1700)
The Causes and Remedy of the Distempers of the Times in Certain Discourses of Obedience and Disobedience. (1675)
A Letter Concerning the Iesuites (1661)
The Jesuits Reasons Unreasonable, Or, Doubts Proposed to the Jesuits Upon Their Paper Presented to Divers Persons of Honour, for Nonexception from the Common Favour Voted to Catholicks (1688)
A Modest Attempt for Healing the Present Animosities in England Occasion'd by a Late Book, Entituled, a Modest Enquiry, &, in a Dialogue Between Testimony, a Zealous Dissenter, and Hot-Head, a Chollerick Bigot
Historical Collections, Or, a Brief Account of the Most Remarkable Transactions of the Two Last Parliaments Held and Dissolved at Westminster and Oxford
A Letter Humbly Offer'd to the Consideration of All Gentlemen, Yeomen, Citizens, Freeholders, & That Have Right to Elect Members to Serve in Parliament (1696)
No Antiquity for Transubstantiation Plainly Proved from the Judgment of the Most Learned Men That Lived in Time of the Saxons. (1688)
A Modest Enquiry Into the Causes of the Present Disasters in England, and Who They Are That Brought the French Fleet Into the English Channel, Described (1690)
An Humble Enquiry, by Way of Catechism, After the Mind of Christ, in That Portion of Holy Writ, Commonly Called the Lords Prayer ... (1657)
Sir Henry Vane's Last Sigh for the Committee of Safety Breathed Forth in Discourses and Conferences with the Right Honorable Vice-Admiral Lawson, on the Seventeenth of December, 1659, Aboard the Great James. (1659)
Eliana a New Romance / Formed by an English Hand. (1661)
The Art of Making Love, Or, Rules for the Conduct of Ladies and Gallants in Their Amours (1676)
The Spirit of France, and the Politick Maxims of Lewis XIV Laid Open to the World (1689)
A Relation Concerning the Particulars of the Rebellion Lately Raised in Muscovy by Stenko Razin Its Rise, Progress, and Stop
The Pleasant History of Tom the Shoo-Maker Shewing His Birth, His Education, & Life ... Never Before Extant, Being Drawn Out Into Two Parts ... (1674)