4,310 books • 6 series
The Barbarous & Inhumane Proceedings Against the Professors of the Reformed Religion Within the Dominion of the Duke of Savoy, 1655 as Also, a True Relation of the Bloody Massacres, Tortures, Cruelties Committed Upon the Protestants in Ireland (1655)
The Second Dream (1688)
A Directory for the Publique Vvorship of God Throughout the Three Kingdomes of England, Scotland, and Ireland Together with an Ordinance of Parliament for the Taking Away of the Book of Common-Prayer (1646)
Imprisonment of Mens Bodyes for Debt, as the Practise of England Now Stands, Is ... Against the Law of God ... (1641)
A Directory for the Publique Worship of God Throughout the Three Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland Together with an Ordinance of Parliament for the Taking Away of the Book of Common-Prayer (1646)
Remarks Upon the Navy. Containing a Reply to the Observations on the First Part
The Second Part of Dr. Sherlock's Two Kings of Brainford, at the Importunity of His Vindicator (1690)
An Answer to a Seditious Pamphlet Intituled, Plain English Wherein the Reasons Against an Accommodation Are Answered, the Miseries of the Kingdom in Generall Laid Open and Shewn to Be Kept Up for the Maintenance of a Few Persons of Decayed Fortunes (1642)
Some Considerations about the Most Proper Way of Raising Money in the Present Conjuncture (1691)
An Answer to the Case of the Old East-India Company as Represented by Themselves to the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament Assembled. (1700)
Some Remarks Upon a Late Paper, Entituled, an Argument, Shewing That a Standing Army Is Inconsistent with a Free Government, and Absolutely Destructive to the Constitution of the English Monarchy (1697)
An Essay for the Raising a National Fishery by the Poor of England Without Tax or Money That Shall Imploy and Maintain All the Poor, and Growing Poor of This Nation for Ever, and in Less Than Five Yers (1700)
The Plain Case as It Now Stands in Reference to Subjection to the Present Government Wherein Is Briefly Demonstrated, That It Is Not Repugnant to the Most Positive Texts of Scripture Which Have Been Quoted for Loyalty (1690)
England's Universal Distraction in the Years 1643, 1644, 1645 Left to the Vvorld by a Judicious and Conscientious Author for the Use of His Friends, Children, and Grand-Children, When They Come to Years of Discretion (1659)
The English Prelates Practizing the Methods and Rules of the Jesuits, for Enervating and Altering the Protestant Reformed Religion in England, and Reducing the People to Popery Plainly Demonstrated by a Reverend and Godly Divine. (1661)
A Brief History of Presbytery and Independency from Their First Original to This Time Shewing I. Wherein and the Reasons Why They Separate from the Church of England, II. Wherein They Differ from Each Other (1691)
The Verbal Process, Or, Proceedings of the Extraordinary Assembly of the Arch-Bishops and Bishops, Held in the Archbishoprick of Paris, in the Months of March and May, 1681 (1681)
A Brief Account of the Several Plots, Conspiracies, and Hellish Attempts of the Bloody-Minded Papists Against the Princes and Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland from the Reformation to This Present Year, 1678 (1679)
The Humble Address of the Publicans of New-England, to Which King You Please with Some Remarks Upon It. (1691)
The Complaint of the Kingdome Against the Evill Members of Both Houses Who Have Upon Designe Brought in Ruine Under a Pretence of Reformation, Relating to That Former Complaint Made by the Citie and Counties Adjacent. (1646)
The Holy Bible Containing the Old Testament and the New / Newly Translated Out of the Original Tongues and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised by His Majesties Speciall Command; Appointed to Be Read in Churches. (1668)
Two Letters to a Friend Containing Certain Considerations Relating to the Pulpit. (1692)
Large and Sure Foundations (1693)
Ichthyothera, Or, the Royal Trade of Fishing Discovering the Inestimable Profit the Hollanders Have Made Thereof, with the Vast Emolument and Advantages That Will Redound to His Sacred Majesty and His Three Kingdomes by the Improvement of It (1662)