4,310 books • 6 series
A Compendious History of the Taxes of France, and of the Oppressive Methods of Raising Them (1694)
Sir Arthur Haselrig's Last Will and Testament with a Briefe Survey of His Life and Death (1661)
Pearls of Eloquence, Or, the School of Complements Wherein Is Shewed a Brief Description of Beauty, Virtue, Love, and Eloquence
The Golden Coast, Or, a Description of Guinney 1. in It's Air and Situation, 2. in the Commodities Imported Thither, and Exported Thence, 3. in Their Way of Traffick, Their Laws and Customes, Together with a Relation of Such Persons (1665)
An Essay for the Lowering the Gold and Raising the Silver Coin (1696)
The Last, and Now Only, Compleat Collection, of the Newest and Choisest Songs and Poems, That Are Now Extant Both at Courts Theatres and Elsewhere with Above Forty New Songs Never Before in Print (1672)
The Royal Martyrs, Or, a List of the Lords, Knights, Officers, and Gentlemen, That Were Slain (by the Rebels) in the Late Wars, in Defence of Their King and Country as Also of Those Executed by Their High Courts of (In)-Justice, or Law-Martial. (1663)
The Royal Flight, Or, the Conquest of Ireland a New Farce. (1690)
A Full and True Relation of the Great and Wonderful Revolution That Hapned Lately in the Kingdom of Siam in the East-Indies Giving a Particular Account of the Seizing and Death of the Late King, and of the Setting Up of a New One (1690)
The History of the Late War with the Turks, During the Siege of Vienna, and the Great Victory Obtain'd Against Them, at the Raising the Siege Together with an Account of the Underhand Dealings of France in That Affair ... (1684)
Mirabilis Annus Secundus, Or, the Second Part of the Second Years Prodigies Being a True Additional Collection of Many Strange Signs and Apparitions Which Have This Last Year Been Seen in the Heavens, and in the Earth, and in the Waters (1662)
Gigantomachia, Or, a Full and True Relation of the Great and Bloody Fight Between Three Pagan Knights and a Christian Gyant (1682)
The History of the Most Illustrious William, Prince of Orange Deduc'd from the First Founders of the Antient House of Nassau
The Friendly Monitor Laying Open the Crying Sins of Cursing, Swearing, Drinking, Gaming, Detraction, and Luxury or Immodesty ...
The Life of Michael Adrian de Ruyter, Admiral of Holland (1677)
Westminster Projects, Or, the Mystery of Iniquity of Darby-House Discovered (1648)
Seasonable Advice to the Societies for Reformation of Manners (1699)
Perjury, the National Sin, Or, an Account of the Abuses and Violations of Oaths Among Us of This Nation Humbly Offered to the Consideration of the High Court of Parliament. (1690)
Eniautos Terastios, Mirabilis Annus, or the Year of Prodigies and Wonders Being a Faithful and Impartial Collection of Several Signs That Have Been Seen in the Heavens, in the Earth, and in the Waters (1661)
Actual Justification Rightly Stated Containing a True Narrative of a Sad Schism Made in a Church of Christ, at Kilby in Leicester-Shire, Proving, None of the Elect Are Actually Justified Before Faith. (1696)
Cupids Master-Piece, Or, the Free-School of Witty and Delightful Complements Being the Art of Love Refined, and Augmented with Divers New, Pleasant, and Delightful Comments and Discourses of Love ... (1656)
An Impartial Enquiry Into the Advantages and Losses That England Hath Received Since the Beginning of This Present War with France (1695)
Animadversions on George Keith's Account of a National Church, Humbly Presented to the Bishop of London, and on George Keith's Advertisement Concerning the Same. (1700)
Aesop's Fables with Their Morals in Prose and Verse, Grammatically Translated, Illustrated with Pictures and Emblems