4,310 books • 6 series
The Papists Bloudy After-Game, Or, a Vindication of the High Court of Parliament, in Their Proceedings and Sentence Upon William Late Viscount Stafford in Answer to a Scandallous and Traiterous Libel Called Stafford's Memoirs. (1682)
The Division of the County of Essex Into Severall Classes Together with the Names of the Ministers and Others Fit to Be of Each Classis [sic]; ... for the Judging of Scandall, and Approving the Classes in the Severall Counties of England. (1648)
A Defence of Mr. Toland, in a Letter to Himself (1697)
A Discourse of the Lawfulness of Compliance with All the Ceremonies of the Church of England (1660)
Reflections on a Paper Pretending to Be an Apology for the Failures Charged on Mr. Walker's Account of the Siege of London-Derry (1689)
A Relation of the Proceedings at Charter-House, Upon Occasion of King James the II, His Presenting a Papist to Be Admitted Into That Hospital, in Vertue of His Letters Dispensatory (1689)
The Toleration Intolerable in a Full and Clear Answer to a Nameless Printed Letter to a Member of Parliament for Liberty of Conscience. (1670)
The Parliaments Petition to the Divell to the Most High and Mighty Emperour of Darkenesse, Don Sel de Lucifer, King of Acheron, Styx & Plegeton, Duke of Tartary, Marquesse of Cocitus, and Lord Paramount of Limbo. (1648)
An Abstract of All the Statute-Laws of This Kingdom Now in Force, Made Against Jesuits, Seminary Priests, and Popish Recusants (1675)
A Form of Prayer, to Be Used Upon the Twelfth of June in All Churches and Chappels Within the Cities of London and Westminster, the Suburbs of Each, and the Burrough of Southwark
A Fvll and Faithfvll Accompt of the Passages Betwixt the Parish of Michaels Cornehill (Met in a Vestry) the Ministers and Elders of the Fourth Classis of the Province of London, and Mr. J. Symonds (1646)
Animadversions Upon the Speech of William (Late) Viscount Stafford on the Scaffold on Tower-Hill, Immediately Before His Execution, Upon Wednesday, December, 1680 (1681)
The Family Prayers of Those Poor Christians Who in Court and Country, in Cities, Towns, Cottages and Farm Houses, Are in Good Earnest with Religion
A Particular Relation of the Battel, Fought on the 29th of July, 1693, Between the Confederate Army, Commanded by His Majesty of Great Britain and the Elector of Bavaria, & and That of France (1693)
The Late Barbarous and Inhumane Cruelties Inflicted Upon Certain Persons Called Quakers for Their Peaceable Religious Meetings, in the County of Leicester, by the Instigation of Thomas Cotten, Priest, and Divers Officers of the Parish of Broughton (1682)
Aggravii Venetiani, &, Or, the Venetian and Other Grievances Together with a Proposal for Raising the Price of Tin in the Counties of Cornwall and Devon, According to the Policy of the Venetians (1697)
A Letter to a Friend, Concerning a Late Pamphlet, Entituled, Angliae Tutamen, Or, the Safety of England Being an Account of the Banks, Lotteries, Mines, Divings, Drawings, Liftings, and Other Engines, and Many Pernicious Projects Now on Foot (1696)
An Argument, Proving That a Small Number of Regulated Forces Established During the Pleasure of Parliament Cannot Damage Our Present Happy Establishment (1698)
A Form of Prayer, to Be Used in All Churches and Chapels Throughout the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick Upon Tweed, on Friday the Fourth Day of April Next, Being the Fast-Day Appointed by Proclamation (1700)
The City of Londons Rejoinder to Mr. Attorney General's Replication in the Quo Warranto Brought by Him Against Their Charter Wherein They Plead, That, I. by Prescription They Have a Right, 1. to Appoint, Alter, and Change (1682)
A Large Summary of the Doctrines Contained in the Catechism Published by the Decree of the Council of Trent, Which Is Here Thus Summarily Translated Into English ... (1675)
Plain English, in Relation to the Real and Pretended Friends to the English Monarchy Humbly Offered to the Consideration of His Majesty, and His Great Council, the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled. (1690)
The Old Causes Epitaph by Anticipation Since Rendred in English. (1683)
The Old Non-Conformist, Touching the Book of Common-Prayer, and Ceremonies (1660)