4,310 books • 6 series
The Armies Vindication of This Last Change Wherein, Is Plainly Demonstrated, the Equity, Power and Right of the Army to Settle These Nations Upon the Foundations of Righteousnesse and Freedome (1659)
A Form of Prayer, to Be Used Upon the Fifteenth of January in All Churches and Chappels Within the Cities of London and Westminster, the Suburbs of Each, and the Borrough of Southwark and Upon the Two and Twentieth of the Said Moneth (1661)
A Form of Prayer to Be Used on Wednesday the Twelfth Day of March Next Ensuing, Throughout the Whole Kingdom Being the Fast Day Appointed by the King and Queens Proclamation, to Be Observed in a Most Solemn and Devout Manner (1690)
A Sober Ansvver to a Scandalous Paper Termed Three Queries, and Answers to Them Privately Spread Abroad to Amuse the People and Disaffect Them to the King and His Late Christian Declaration for Liberty of Conscience (1688)
Massinello, Or, a Satyr Against the Association and the Guild-Hall-Riot Entered According to Order. (1683)
An Abstract of All the Penal-Laws Now in Force Against Jesuites, Priests, and Popish Recusants Collected for the Ease of Justices of the Peace and Others Who Are Obliged to Put the Laws in Execution. (1679)
An Account of the Proportion of the Forces of the Confederates, for Carrying on the War Against France, This Year, 1694 (1694)
The Mourning Poets, Or, an Account of the Poems on the Death of the Queen in a Letter to a Friend. (1695)
The New Oath of Allegiance Justified from the Original Constitution of the English Monarchy (1689)
A Brief History of the Rise, Growth, Reign, Supports and Sodain Fatal Foyl of Popery, During the Three Years and an Half of James the Second, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland Together with a Description of the Six Popish Pillars (1690)
Oratio Funebris Ejaculata Super Cineres Illustrissimi Herois, Fortissimi Ducis, Clarissimi Domini, Georgii Stewart, Domini de Aubigni
The Solicitour, Or, Reasons Urging a More Liberall Loane Towards the Maintenance of Religion, Law, and the Kingdomes Safety in Them Both Taken from the Maine Quarrel, By-Engagements, Bare Pretences, True Designes of This Army Against Parliament (1643)
A Narrative of the Demon of Spraiton in a Letter from a Person of Quality in the County of Devon to a Gentleman in London
The Grand Question Resolved, Viz. a King Having Protested to Defend to the Uttermost of His Power, the True Protestant Religion, with the Rights and Liberties of All His Subjects But If They, Fearing That He Will Violate This His Protestation (1681)
A Letter in Answer to a City Friend, Shewing How Agreeable Liberty of Conscience Is to the Church of England (1687)
The Lay-Man's Answer to the Lay-Mans Opinion, in a Letter to a Friend. (1687)
A Discovery of New Light, Or, Ancient Truthes Revived Containing Principles and Inferances of a Church Way ... (1641)
Ratio Ultima for a Full Compliance with the Present Government
The Judgment of a Good Subject Upon His Majesties Late Declaration for Indulgence of Tender Consciences (1672)
A True and Impartial Naration [sic] of the Remarkable Providences of the Living God of Heaven and Earth Appearing for Us His Oppressed Servants Called Quakers, Nicholas Lucas, Henry Marshall, Jeremiah Hearn, John Blendall, Francis Pryor (1664)
A Pertinent & Profitable Meditation, Vpon the History of Pekah, His Invasion and Great Victory Over Judah, Recorded 2 Chron. 28 Ver. 6 to the 16 Vpon Occasion of the Thanksgiving Appointed Octob. 8, for the Late Successe in Scotland (1650)
A Pastoral Occasion'd by the Arrival of His Royal Highness Prince George of Denmark, & Design'd to Marry Her Highness the Lady Ann, Daughter to That Heroick Prince, James, Duke of York and Albany (1683)
The English Spira Being a Fearful Example of an Apostate Who Had Been a Preacher Many Years and Then Apostatized from His Religion, Miserably Hanged Himself, October the 13th, 1684 (1693)
The Detestable Designs of France Expos'd, Or, the True Sentiments of the Spanish Netherlanders Representing the Injustice of the King of France by His Declaration of War Against His Catholick Majesty (1689)