4,310 books • 6 series
A Form of Common Prayer for Gods Blessing Upon His Majesty, and His Dominions and for the Averting of Gods Judgments
The Young-Mens and the Apprentices Outcry, Or, an Inquisition After the Lost Fundamentall Lawes and Liberties of England (1649)
The Scots Treacherous Designes Discovered, Or, a Result to the Pamphlet, Intituled, the Scots Remonstrance with a True Relation of Their Proceedings at Newcastle, Hereford, Newark, and Other Parts of This Kingdome (1647)
A Disputation Proving That It Is Not Convenient to Grant Unto Ministers Secular Jurisdiction, and to Make Them Lords & Statesmen in Parliament (1679)
The City and Countrey Chapmans Almanack for the Year 1691 Wherein All the Marts and Fairs in England and Wales, Are Disposed in an Alphabetical Order in Every Moneth ... Also the Post Roads and Their Several Branches Throughout England and Wales (1691)
The Judgment of Foreign Divines Concerning the Liturgy and Ceremonies of the Church of England (1690)
The Hind in the Toil (1688)
Non-Conformists No Schismaticks, No Rebels, Or, a Vindication of the Present Practice of the Non-Conformists (1670)
A Discourse Concerning the Grounds & Causes of This Miserable CIVILL War Wherein Ireland Is Exhausted, England Wasted, and Scotland Likely to Be Imbroyled, and Wherein Not Only Liberty But Religion Is Endangered, & (1644)
Don Samuel Crispe, Or, the Pleasant History, of the Knight of Fond Love Adorned and Embellished with Sundry Rare and Delightful Adventures. (1660)
Ananias and Saphira Discovered, Or, the True Intent of a Pamphlet Called Omnia Comest[a] a Belo in a Letter by Way of Answer. (1679)
A Form of Prayer, to Be Used on Wednesday November the Thirteenth, Being the Fast-Day Appointed by the King to Implore the Mercies of Almighty God in the Protection of His Majesties Sacred Person, and in Him of All His Loyal Subjects (1678)
The Good News of Englands Approving the Covenant Sent from Scotland and Some Reasons for Assisting the Parliament of England Against the Papists and Prelaticall Army. (1643)
The Jesuite's Reasons Unreasonable, Or, Doubts Proposed to the Jesuits Upon Their Paper Presented to Divers Persons of Honour, for Non-Exception from the Common Favour Voted to Catholicks (1662)
The Great Case of Toleration Stated and Endeavoured to Be Resolved in Order to Publick Security and Peace. (1688)
An Humble Proposal, Whereby His Majesty May Raise and Extend His Credit to the Annual Value of His Revenue Without Interest or Damage to the Kingdom (1674)
Officium Concionatoris in Quo Praecepta Utilissima de Invenienda Habend que Concione
A Description of the Seven United Provinces of Netherland Wherein Is Set Forth the Quality of the Country, the Productions of the Soyl, the Trade, Manufactures, Customes Manners and Dispositions of the People, the Constitution of Their Laws (1673)
A Letter to a Member of This Present Parliament, for Liberty of Conscience (1668)
Bank-Credit, Or, the Usefulness & Security of the Bank of Credit Examined in a Dialogue Between a Country Gentleman and a London Merchant. (1683)
Cabala, Sive, Scrinia Sacra Mysteries of State and Government, in Letters of Illustrious Persons, and Great Ministers of State, as Well Foreign as Domestick, in the Reigns of King Henry the Eighth, Queen Elizabeth, King James, and King Charles (1691)
Memoires of the Life of Anthony, Late Earl of Shaftsbury with a Speech of the English Consul at Amsterdam Concerning Him, and a Letter from a Burger There about His Death. (1683)
Remarks on the Several Sanguinary and Penal Laws Made in Parliament Against Roman Catholics with Some Reasons Humbly Offer'd in Order to Obtain a Repeal of Those Laws, for the Better Advancement of His Majesty's Service (1687)
The Jacobites Hudibras Containing the Late King's Declaration in Travesty. (1692)