I can't wait for the next one! I really enjoyed this book. And a great job on the character development. I really cared about all of the characters and I wished the next book was out already. I really want to read more!!
Loved it! funny, cool, different. Somehow felt like reading a combination of [b:The Night Angel Trilogy|6122735|The Night Angel Trilogy (Night Angel, #1-3)|Brent Weeks|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1237703314s/6122735.jpg|6537338] and [a:Trudi Canavan|15890|Trudi Canavan|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1194378660p2/15890.jpg]'s Age of Five Trilogy
Warbreaker had a slow start for me, but took off once I hit the middle of the book. This novel shows off Brandon's great usage of interesting characterization. Warbreaker, is another fine example, of why Brandon is known as one of the best Sci-Fi/Fantasy writers on the market today.