DNF on page 318.
This was absolutely not a bad book. In fact, I kind of loved about half of it. The problem, for me, was that there were so many different points of view, and while I really liked 2 or 3 of them, I didn't care for any of the others. That made for some difficult reading.
I really LOVED the different cultures and how they came together and tried to sort out their differences. I could have read the entire book just about Daimon and Saana. Their chapters were my favourite.
I was also really fascinated by how the different cultures handled gender and LGBTQ in general.
Had I continued, I probably would have given this book 3 stars — so not bad by any means. I just didn't want to spend another 300 pages to “just” give a book 3 stars. I'd rather move on to a 4 or 5 star read.