SOF*CKINGGOOD ! What a mind f*ck, haha. RTC !
Such a perfect, gorgeous, AMAZING cover for what I know will be one HELL of a RIDE !
ALSO— I AM FIRED UP! I have to say that I LOVE that the title is Grace and Glory!
Whereas the titles of the first two installments of the series, Storm and Fury, & Rage and Ruin, respectively, evoke feelings of Chaos, Grace and Glory just has a Happier vibe about it.
Hopefully, this means a super satisfying & H A P P Y ending for Zayne & Trin! *knocks on wood*
(maybe a HARD EARNED sexy & sweet HEA ending? Hm? Hm? Who’s with me?!! Haha)
Plus, come on, it’s JLA; We all know that this is going to be a f*cking fantastic read.