Written on Mar 4, 2016
Narration review: In my opinion, a good narrator's job is to bring an author's writing to life. A great narrator allows the reader to become completely immersed in the author's creation. An excellent narrator does all of that and manages to enhance the written word. Sean Pratt is an excellent narrator. His narration allowed me to feel like I was living in Nicholas Sparks' world. When Pratt voiced Dawson Cole, I wasn't hearing him voice the character Dawson Cole, I was hearing Dawson Cole. I stated above that Sparks' writing was so vivid that it almost brought the characters to life. Almost. But it was Pratt's narration that did the rest. Sparks'writing + Pratt's narration= the perfect union. They complemented each other in a way that facilitated something truly beautiful. Pratt's unobtrusive narration style enabled Sparks' writing to shine. Not only did he adjust his tone and accent distinction according to character, but also to the writing style. The writing called for a third person narrator (omniscient), so Pratt adjusted his narration style accordingly. The third person narrator had no discernible accent, as opposed to the slight (in some cases not-so-slight) southern drawl of the characters. The writing style also involved numerous POV changes, all of which Pratt handled with eloquence. The amount of POV changes would have surely bothered me with any other narrator, but Pratt's incredible handle on each of the characters' distinctly unique voices and personalities saw me through it. I am certain that this story wouldn't have had nearly the same effect on me without him. ♣︎
➜ This audiobook was graciously gifted to me by its narrator, Sean Pratt, in exchange for a review containing my honest thoughts and opinions. Thanks, Sean!