Baroness Book Trove
Written on Jun 24, 2015
There are a whole lot of suspects and this time I even had to write them all down so that I could keep track of them all. Not only that but once again I get sucked into trying to figure out who the Elder is just like Darcy is every time in these books. I love the idea of that maybe the Elder could be Darcy’s mom but now I’m not sure since of what happened at the end of this book. I’m hoping that we will be able to figure out who the Elder is.
With each new book though we get into the lives of these characters and we learn more about them. Like Calliope, Finn, Andreus, Dorothy, Glinda, and Aunt Ve. Those are just to name a few. With each new book though we get a little bit more of an understanding to them. Or at least I seem to think so. These books are one of my many favorites of books that I have read over the course of my life reading books. I knew that isn’t the case since I am only twenty-two years old and so I haven’t read that many books but I swear I have read quite a whole lot of books. I love Darcy and how she always seems to have a whole lot of stuff going on and lots of stuff to sort out in this new book. I think though at times my mom thinks that I am a lot like Darcy. Except I’m not a wishcrafter or anything like that.
Anyways until next time enjoy this book review brought to you by
Baroness’ Book Trove.
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