Baroness Book Trove
Written on Jul 21, 2014
With this book I felt sorry for Darcy as she was stuck with a ghost that wanted her to solve his murder so that someone will know about what was really going on.
Much like Heather's other two books this one was such a good one that I couldn't put it down for a while and when it was done I felt a little bit good but also sad. The reason for that is because I didn't want it to end but then I remembered that she had another book out that I could read. I love these books though I am wondering with when Darcy will ever figure out that her dog is a familiar and that her Aunt Ve knew about it.
The other mystery that I am still curious about is who the Elder is. Since that is like a big one and it's always something that I always want to figure out in every book I read of the Wishcrafter series. I give this book five stars and I love it.
If you want to read my other viewers please go to my book blog: http://baronessbooktrove.blogspot.com/