Written on Dec 3, 2016
The biggest risk but the best reward a girl could ever have.
I tried to come up with a new fact about football that I learned from Jockblocked but unfortunately, the best I could come up with is a few positions. I learned that there are quarterbacks, linebackers and something called the backfield with safeties or something like that. Do I know what they do??? Absolutely no bloody idea.
I started Jockblocked still on a high from finishing Sacked. The characters were fresh in my mind and I was eager to see how I would feel seeing one of the manwhore players fall in love. Will I judge him from what I know already? Is there a chance I will not believe he is capable of devotion to one woman? Will I judge the girl he falls for as a silly girl falling for the pretty faced football hero?
Well, it’s safe to say that I was pleasantly surprised.
Jockblocked is not a romance where I have to leave my believability at the door. I actually like that neither Matty nor Lucy is perfect. Both make bad decisions and lack the maturity to deal with the pressures they face. To me, seeing Matty and Lucy learn, grow and mature was one of the best parts of the story.
Matthew has been partying hard. He’s young and a successful college football player. He’s smart enough to do well at college, doesn’t have to worry too much about finances and football is a pleasure and not a chore. Matty’s also VERY fortunate when it comes to the ladies…I mean women…I mean girl, chicks, jersey chasers. It’s horrible to say, and I hope the author took some poetic license, but I really hope women aren’t as easy as the jersey chasers appeared in Jockblocked. Anyways, Matty’s had it good up until now. Now, the coach is trying to get him to take RESPONSIBILITY…the HORROR!!
Matty’s been tasked with the job of making the quarterback WANT to change positions. Ummm, I know next to NOTHING about football, but even I thought the coach was setting him up to fail. All of this, and he’s finally found a woman he wants to spend time with outside the bedroom. Only thing is…she’s not into extremely good looking and successful college football players. Now Matty has to convince the unconvinceable AND talk the mysterious girl into giving him a chance. He’s got his work cut out for him…
Lucy doesn’t like to take risks. Jockblocked delves into the sensitive subject of dealing with a lifelong illness. See, Lucy has diabetes. She has to regularly monitor her blood sugar levels, stick to a strict diet and exercise regularly. If any of these things get out of wack she can get seriously ill. While extremely focused maintaining her health, Lucy also has an extremely stressful side project for school. There is no way she can risk taking on a relationship with a guy who she feels would be hard to trust. Best not to go there…or so her best friend demands.
Lucy’s best friend, Ace, is the quarterback for the Warriors. Ace and Lucy have been friends since they were ten years old. To be honest, Ace wasn’t such a great friend and I didn’t particularly like him for most of the book. I kind of thought Lucy’s loyalty was a wee bit OTT. No, she didn’t let him walk all over her, but she did put up with WAY more than I would have.
So, Matty’s supposed to convince Ace to change positions and convince Lucy that he’s a risk worth taking.
I enjoyed reading Jockblocked. I liked both Matty and Lucy and enjoyed seeing them grow and mature. They have to learn some hard truths about themselves but they both come out better for it in the end.
Did I like it as much as Sacked? Maybe a wee bit behind, but still an excellent contribution to my Gridiron marathon.
Onwards…it’s time to see if Ace can up his game or will he stay Down…ed?
To buy Jockblocked from Amazon - http://amzn.to/2gkefwE
I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -