Spellbound did start off kind of slow. It read more like a contemporary rather than a paranormal romance, but one without any direction. Emma was just going about her life: making friends, hanging out with her cousin, homework, etc. It isn’t until about a third in that the supernatural aspects started to emerge. I really liked Emma’s new friend Angelique, who is a witch! She totally plays up her religion at school to mess with the popular kids, but she really is a witch and helps Emma learn about her necklace and her odd connection with Brendan. From there, it’s obvious where the plot is going, but it was a fun ride! The ending turned a bit crazy and I loved that!
In the end Spellbound was a fun read! The paranormal aspects aren’t too in your face, since it is more about an ancient curse and reincarnation than witches running around and casting spells and fighting darkness. I really like reincarnation and I’m always happy to find books that feature it! There is a happy ending, and it could totally work as a standalone, but of course I had to find out what comes next!
Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.