Spellbound by Cara Lynn Shultz

Spellbound (Spellbound, #1)

by Cara Lynn Shultz

What's a girl to do when meeting The One means she's cursed to die a horrible death?

Life hasn't been easy on sixteen-year-old Emma Conner, so a new start in New York may be just the change she needs. But the posh Upper East Side prep school she has to attend? Not so much. Friendly faces are few and far between, except for one that she's irresistibly drawn to--Brendan Salinger, the guy with the rock-star good looks and the richest kid in school, who might just be her very own white knight.

But even when Brendan inexplicably turns cold, Emma can't stop staring. Ever since she laid eyes on him, strange things have been happening. Streetlamps go out wherever she walks, and Emma's been having the oddest dreams: visions of herself in past lives--visions that warn her to stay away from Brendan. Or else.

Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

Spellbound was really fun! I love witches and reincarnation, so I enjoyed this one, even if it was quite predictable. Emma has just moved in with her aunt after her stepfather nearly killed her. She’s starting at a prestigious private school, so of course she has to get on the wrong side of the resident mean girl on her very first day. But it’s not her fault that super hottie, Brendan, has his eye on her. And it has something to do with the necklace that Emma’s brother gave her before he died. She just doesn’t know what.

Spellbound did start off kind of slow. It read more like a contemporary rather than a paranormal romance, but one without any direction. Emma was just going about her life: making friends, hanging out with her cousin, homework, etc. It isn’t until about a third in that the supernatural aspects started to emerge. I really liked Emma’s new friend Angelique, who is a witch! She totally plays up her religion at school to mess with the popular kids, but she really is a witch and helps Emma learn about her necklace and her odd connection with Brendan. From there, it’s obvious where the plot is going, but it was a fun ride! The ending turned a bit crazy and I loved that!

In the end Spellbound was a fun read! The paranormal aspects aren’t too in your face, since it is more about an ancient curse and reincarnation than witches running around and casting spells and fighting darkness. I really like reincarnation and I’m always happy to find books that feature it! There is a happy ending, and it could totally work as a standalone, but of course I had to find out what comes next!

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 28 June, 2015: Finished reading
  • 28 June, 2015: Reviewed