Written on Aug 20, 2014
This book isn't nearly as dark as book three was, but it is not flowers and butterflies either. Jag is a badass warrior with an even worse attitude. He is always sarcastic and often crude. He taunts Tighe's mate, Delaney, with what would be consider sexual harassment, if this was set in a normal office setting. He works hard to drive everyone away from him.
Olivia is another Therian that is part of a group of warriors, that while maybe not feral, are still elite. She is their leader of the group sent to assist the ferals in hunting the daemons that have been released. She is great at what she does. She also, isn't what she seems. Olivia has a secret, one that will get her executed if anyone figures out what she is. She is a danger to everyone around her if she loses control or chooses to do the wrong thing. It is a secret she has lived with her entire life.
This book doesn't have the big huge battles that the previous books have. That is not to say there are not battles, it just doesn't have the "big" battle that you are building up to in the end. This book seemed to focus more about the issues that the hero and heroine have (and there are plenty) and the romance between them. The sex is hot and rough, as you would expect from a tortured hero and a heroine who isn't afraid of him. This relationship starts off with lots of needling back and forth, but with Jag sees that Olivia can hold her own, he falls for her. Olivia makes Jag see things in himself that he has always covered up and really look at himself.
This is my favorite book of the series so far, even though Jag is a jerk. He has the tortured hero thing going for him. It is still a very dark story for PNR, but not as bad as the previous book. It would be more like what you would expect from a UF book.
I really enjoyed Shapiro in this book. Olivia has an on again, off again Scottish accent. He doesn't have the best female Scottish accent that I've ever heard, but it isn't bad. His ability to turn it on and off as her emotions take over is great. I think he had the timing just right for when she should have the accent and when she shouldn't.
I like to thank Tantor Audio for providing me with a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.