Written on May 27, 2020
ok wait, wait, wait, wait a damn minute! I knew for a fact when I saw so many people reading this that I had to pick it up, but it wasn't until a certain review (by a favourite author) that I bumped it up on the tbr and my... wasn't that quite an unexpected ride.
Things you will love about this book:
-it's a bit on the lighter side of fantasy (more medieval than epic so you have lots of feudal things going on but the world-building isn't as expansive)
-the writing style, trust me you will not:
✨want to look away
✨want to miss a moment
✨be able to resist the urge to reread certain passages
✨be able to resist the urge to take a damn break, dammit, you've been reading non-stop for three hours, Jesus, woman!
-the characters: all such a joy to follow and all so very realistic
(I still want to know how Falcio beat Kest in a duel)
-the general tone of the book: the writing style is fairly... light (can I call it that?) the characters do struggle and lose hope and all that sort of thing but there's always a bit of comic relief to look forward to in the end (I'm looking at you Brasti) that doesn't necessarily cheapen things
-pacing: it never stops, trust me (and neither will your reading)
-the fight scenes: those were good, those were really good, I've never read such detailed yet entertaining passages about sword fights
Things I wanted more of:
-representation (self-explanatory)
Summary: read this book or you're going to be sorry you missed out