Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading
We visit Oak Falls once again this time for a festival and the wedding of Morgyn’s sister. In this installment, we get the opportunity to witness Morgyn getting her chance to experience true love.
Morgyn is what you would call a free spirit. She does things on her own terms. Planner and organized are not words you would use to describe this young woman. She is laid back, artistic and hates being tied down. She has a heart of gold therefore making it easy for persons to be drawn to her.
Graham is the complete opposite. As an engineer and investor, he assess risks, plans and develop a strategy before arriving at a decision. However, he would learn that with matters of the heart assessing, planning and strategizing served no purpose.
These two had a whirlwind romance. They met at a festival, they had an instant connection and since they were inseparable. I do not know what it was about these two, but I could not feel their chemistry. The story said it was there, but I did not connect with it. Compared to the couples in Ms. Foster’s other stories they felt flat. I think it had to do with they fell in love, and were making major decisions about their lives together within two weeks of meeting each other. In addition based on their conversations their relationship appeared as if sex was the glue that held it together. If they are not having sex, they are talking about it.
I loved the family setting, and enjoyed how each welcomed both Morgyn and Graham into their fold. I loved their openness with each other. Drama and an angst free story line mixed with sweetness made for an easy read. What I found a little weird though was the ease they talked about sex in front of their parents especially considering the fact they barely knew each other after spending two weeks together. Personally, I would be uncomfortable with such a scenario, but that is just me. I know there are other readers who would have no problem with this.
Despite Morgyn and Graham not being my favourite couple, I still enjoyed Trails of Love and would recommend it to fans of contemporary romance. Ffans Ms. Foster's work will enjoy this addition to the Bradens and Montgomery series. I cannot wait to read Brindle’s story.