Written on May 16, 2020
Wow, this was unnecessary.
However, it's not only Sapkowski's characters I often can't deal with. In general, he makes comparisons that are extremely irritating or unfitting. For example: at some point he compares the likeness of women picking berries to whales poking out of the waves. Sapkowski, dude, did you seriously just call those ladies big fat whales?!.
The book seemed to drag for forever and a day. I found the most part of the story to be simply annoying. Even Geralt was rather dull and I rolled my eyes at him a lot.
I've read worse books but in terms of Witcher novels, this one is probably my least favorite. Many of the other books had annoying parts as well but at least at some point we got a bunch of redeeming chapters.
Here I feel like I wouldn't have missed a thing had I skipped it.
Geralt spends an entire novel looking for his damn sword. This sounds like a side quest in the video game that you'd probably chose to ignore. Even the main antagonist was just a weird and stupid idiot. I hated his characterization. I often have problems with how Sapkowski describes his characters but this dude was among the worst ones.