Written on Apr 4, 2016
Going into this, I didn't know what to expect, especially with another book afterward. My last review wondered if it was going to go the way of Carrie or The Craft. I was pleasantly, utterly surprised at the twists.
It's high school drama with high stakes, they just don't realize how high yet—even after the homecoming dance. Through all the secrets, backstabbing, tiffs, pettiness, and bullshit I was hooked. Not only did I care about our trio and their cohorts but it all felt important.
Even desperately searching for clues I didn't see the twists coming.
I love the character progression all around.
It's another cliffhanger but since I had Ashes to Ashes queued up, I wasn't pissed off or frustrated. I just kept reading the series.
Thank fuck, I don't read series til they're done!
(Usually anyways… and this kind of experience just reinforces the habit. )