Written on Apr 2, 2013
Mike isn’t a relationship kind of guy. He doesn’t take commitment too well and he has what my friends and I call “itchy muli” which is Samoan for, “itchy ass”…and Mike is always itching to get out of wherever he’s at if he’s been there long enough to settle down. He moves from town to town, coming in and out of people’s lives and he prefers it that way. When his father asks him to come back home and fill in for him at work, Mike does it because he loves his family. He’s always been fortunate to have the support system that he has but because the father that raised him isn’t his real father, he’s got his own set of daddy issues.
Cara, on the other hand has her own issues that she’s working through. Her father is emotionally and physically abusive to her mother and Cara got to the point in her life that she can’t sit by and watch her mother just take her father’s abuse so she gives her Mom an ultimatum. Either you leave Dad or you lose me. Her mother chose to stay with her father. Cara has taken to volunteering her time to the women’s shelter in town and it is there that she tries to help women who are in the same situation that she grew up in and she helps them find ways to get out. She’s helping all of the women, the way that she wants to help her mother and sometimes, the frustration of the whole thing gets to her.
Both Mike and Cara are doing a credible job of ignoring the other at work and it’s starting to get on Sam’s nerves. Sam is Mike’s brother and Cara’s partner. He’s peeved with Mike for treating Cara the way that he’s been treating her and he’s not above calling him out on his shit. Mike wants Sam to stay out of his business but knows that he’s right. He has been a pretty big butthead when it comes to dealing with Cara, now that he’s back in town.
Watching Mike and Cara work through their different issues and come together was a really great way to spend a few hours. I really enjoyed their story, their romance and just the two of them together. I thought they were a perfect fit and I really enjoyed getting to know Cara. Cara was the kind of heroine that I admire the hell out of. She wasn’t the kind of person to throw temper tantrums and be unreasonable about things. She handled her shit and when she runs into bumps in the road, she picks herself up and trudges right along. She dealt with her problems herself and she didn’t let anyone get her down or push her around either.
There were times in this book where I wanted to bean Mike in his head with something sharp because well, he was a stupid man at times but in the end, I really came to love Mike and his family. I’m very anxious for the next book in the series, which is Erin’s book. I read the excerpt in the back of my eARC and I’m stoked that we’ll be getting that book soon.
If you liked the other Serendipity books than I’m pretty confident that you’ll enjoy this one too. It was fun, it was cute and the romance was steamy and good…just the way that I like it. Kudos on a job well done, Mrs. Phillips.