Baroness Book Trove
The last book from the House of Night series. All I can think of is finally it is done and I read some other reviews last night before I bought the book. They all I noticed had bad reviews about the book saying that it was boring and the battle was cut short and a bunch of other things.
Now that I have finished this book I gotta say that all of those stupid filler books led up to a good book at the end of the series. I mean I know in my inner editor that the Casts could have made this book series not lasted as long as they made it to be. The things that I liked about this book is that Zoey is able to stop being a babbling idiot of a teenager that the Casts made her out to be, Kalona finally went back to Nyx which made the two immortal gods very happy, Aurox self-sacrificed himself to keep Neferet imprisoned, and finally Neferet had been defeated.
Though the whole thing that I can't help but think that yeah Kalona was defeated the same way by A-ya and the Cherokee Wise Woman. So I can't help but think that Neferet will probably get out the same way that Kalona did. I also hated the fact that Thanatos had to die as she was such a fabulous character. The afterward part and other things are quite good. I actually didn't think that I would love this book but I did. Especially since I had high expectations for this book and it actually kind of passed all of them.
To read my other book reviews please look at my site:: baronessbooktrove.blogspot.com