Like I was already saying, I love Cate Tiernan. I’ve read Sweep and Balefire when I was younger in my own language (Dutch) multiple times, so when she came with Immortal Beloved I was curious.
I liked the whole idea of someone immortal who is sick of life and how she spent living it. I find it very realistic, I mean, think for a moment. If you had lived for almost 500 years, so much has happened to you, good, but mostly bad things will come to pass. And not just that, but you will have had hundreds of years to pound over them and live eternally with the mistakes you made. Sounds rather horrible, and I like the spin Tiernan give to it.
I really enjoyed the first part, were we get to know Nasty and her secrets, and learn more about her past and what it means to be immortal. Like her other series, magic is elemental. I love her describing spells and circles with the coven, she is one of the writers who makes it feel real and authentic. The good and bad having their own type of magic is also very interesting, just as the different levels of power.
In this installment the inner battle between good and evil within Nasty plays a very important part. Sometimes I get annoyed when main characters talk too much about how they feel and what they should do, but with this book I had no problem with that. It seemed necessary for the plot and made you relate more to Nasty.
I also can’t help but to love Reyn. I mean damn, a big, sexy, brooding, muscular Viking.. who doesn’t want one of those in their beds? Even though he has done so many bad things in his past, he doesn’t give up and fights for a better future. He protects Nasty even though she can be quite cold to him. Sometimes I could slap her ! He is so caring for her and they have of course their horrible dark past together. Having your families been killed by the other is not some minor bump in the road, but he tries to be better, to be good. I do get her, but she is confusing the poor man !! Kissing him in the snow one minute and then walking away angry is just mean.
What I also really enjoyed about this volume is that we get to know more about Rivers past. She seems so serene and stabile, it was really awesome getting to know more about who she used to be and her family as well. Totally awesome.
I disliked it when she walked away from the house and got back together with Incy. God he was sooo creepy ! At first when he came to get her, he still was kind of sane, but later on he kept getting more psycho by the minute. I didn’t trust him at all !
I didn’t like her friends in the first part, but in this part they were even worse ! Not all of them of course, I began to like some of them when they were together in the hotel, but they didn’t end up very well unfortunately… God, I kept hoping she would interfere to safe their lives ! It was also kind of spooky when they went to that place Incy so much loved and I was so proud of Nasty for sticking up to herself and her morals !
Though some things have come to light, there are still a lot of question marks in this story and I am very curious as how it is going to turn out. Who are Incy’s masters ? I feel a big battle coming up !!