[b:Hannah's List|7556334|Hannah's List|Debbie Macomber|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51qnnOR5z4L._SL75_.jpg|9862760] is a story of a widower and a letter that his wife wrote him urging him to move forward in life. Personally this is a tough subject for me as I'm fairly set in the one and only rule, but the author really does show a point and paints a fair story. I think that this was an incredibly touching read as you get to know the full handful of characters. Easily this could be a great and touching drama film. I do highly recommend this read. I am so glad that I was able to read it, and I look forward to adding more Debbie Macomber books to my shelf in the future.
*Thanks to Nancy Berland PR for providing an ARC for review.*