Written on Sep 26, 2017
My large plot stumble is the entire rightwise king of Britain and that if he returned at this time he would go to the USA? If ever Britain needed a leader to sort things out I'm sure a lot of British people would say it's now with Brexit and all the messes going on (brain wanders off on a plotbunny maze, takes a break from writing review to scribble notes) you would expect at least a passing reference to Britain and British Issues. Still I'm going to park that quibble somewhat and move onto the story.
This is the second story in the series and I haven't read volume one. Apparently Merlin did a spell that saved the fae and the mortal realms and in doing so turned the fae into soul-sucking emotionless monsters and drained the world of magic. Now magic has returned to the world and the Knights of the Round Table are resurrected (and doing medieval reinactment, and wow did that tickle my funny bone) and they're finding the modern world interesting.
This is the story of Lancelot du Lac - calling himself Dulac at the moment and Nimueh who has always loved him, somehow she retained some of her soul and this means she can love but they had huge issues last time around.
Yeay for heros who respect boundries, (mostly and better than the last two I read from Nocturne) but the story seemed unsure of it's direction and purpose, characters seemed to just drift from one scene to another and honestly Arthur didn't come across as a great leader.
It's not a bad read but it didn't make me want to read the next in the series, I didn't really care for or about the characters and wasn't unhappy when I finished it. Some of it was very good but it wasn't a good whole book.
Could use Paranormal, Vampire, Romantic Suspense, witches, demons and monsters, I'm going to go with Demons. I liked the demon, he was nicely sarky.