Written on Nov 30, 2014
It's funny how these books always take me a minute to get into them, but once I do I whip right through the book. It's interesting that one of the biggest enemies of Riley and Co. is taken out, and yet this is a long lasting series, haha but alas there is a nice little zinger at the end, which bodes for a much more evil nemesis than before. This book was filled with alot, alot of things for Riley to do, alot of questionings on many different thing. The one hang up I have on Riley is her need for sex, I understand she's a wolf and is alays needing sex, but still the way this woman desires sex I think is beyond the need for a wolf, and really it's not the sex that bothers me, that's pretty intriguing on it's own, it's her desire to find a wolf mate, she thinks purely wolf when she isn't a pure wolf she's a halfbreed wolf/vamp, so her hang up on the wolf soulmate is kind of far fetched in my opinion, but we shall see how things progress with that in future books.