Written on Jun 16, 2016
1. This book started off so good! I'm disappointed with how the ending turned out. It felt really unsatisfying, like the authors didn't really give us a valid reasoning for what was happening. Easily Colleen Hoovers worst novel.
2. I did really enjoy the beginning of this book. I was definitely hooked in to the story with the mystery that was happening.
3. The book started going wrong for me when certain elements started happening over and over again. I got bored at that point and there wasn't enough of anything else to keep me entertained.
4. I'm still just really disappointed with that ending! There were a few different plot points that happened and we as a reader are trying to put it all together only to find out none of it has to do with each other. It just felt like there was a lot of random filler parts. This book could have been done in one part for all the good it did.