Cocktails and Books
Written on Oct 22, 2012
Sharla Lovelace is a gifted storyteller. She creates characters that are very down-to-earth, flawed and understand that there isn't a fairy tale happily ever after waiting for them at the end. They're ok with things being good or just OK.
Emily must deal with her mother's decision to sell her childhood home and the sudden flashbacks she starts having when she enters certain rooms in the house. The flashbacks tell the story of not only what her mother did for the sake of their family, but shows Emily what she didn't see in some of her teenage and young adult interactions with Ben Landry, along with the final moments of her father's life. The flashbacks help Emily (and us) understand some of the secrets that have been kept within her family and give her some clarity as to why certain events happened in her life.
In Before and Ever Since, we get a story that is messy and doesn't tie up with a beautify bow at the end. As Emily deals with the reappearance of her best friend Ben Landry, she finds herself dealing with feelings she thought had been long buried. She bounces back and forth between being nice to Ben to being down right ugly to him. Behind it all is her confusion over her feelings as well as her apprehension that the secret she's long held buried will blow up now that Ben is back. As a reader, you are right there with Emily, feeling her confusion and pain at every interaction she has with Ben. It's raw, it's gritty and it's not tied up with a pretty bow, which makes it feel so very real.
I loved the story and I love the characters. The story and the characters will grab you from the first page, demanding that we go on this journey with them. It was a journey I'm glad I took. I look forward to reading more from Sharla Lovelace in the future.