Belladonna was a fun read, if not particular original or groundbreaking. It was well written and imaginative, but ultimately a cookie-cutter YA romance with a predictable plot and a "chosen one" narrative.
Signa Farrow was an interesting protagonist, and I found the premise intriguing. The pacing was good, with a decent gothic mystery to push the plot along. Despite nothing coming as a surprise, and each potential twist, including the cliffhanger being not so much foreshadowed, as floodlit with a big neon sign, it was still an immensely enjoyable reading experience.
Where my enjoyment fell a little flat was in the characterisation of a lot of the secondary characters, and the motivations of the antagonist. There were some pretty big leaps that led to the ultimate reveal that really broke my immersion, and there were a host of characters who were not really developed, and used more as props. I've also got a pretty huge issue with the YA obsessions with ancient beings falling in love with young girls. It's just weird, and kind of gross.
Still, I enjoyed reading Belladonna and will definitely read the next book when it comes out. I'm already predicting a love triangle to finish up my YA romance trope bingo card.