Quirky Cat
Book Summary:
Five years ago, the world changed. Some people fell victim to what appeared to be a sleepwalking sickness. Others followed the walkers in hopes of protecting loved ones from the world they could no longer see.
As it turns...
Book Summary:
Five years ago, the world changed. Some people fell victim to what appeared to be a sleepwalking sickness. Others followed the walkers in hopes of protecting loved ones from the world they could no longer see.
As it turns out, this was a sign that the world as we know it was ending. Now, the survivors are trying to rebuild society, but it will require careful work. This will prove challenging, as there is still quite a lot of cruelty in the world.
My Review:
Wow. Chuck Wendig sure has a way with words, doesn't he? I'll be honest; I never expected a sequel to Wanderers, though now I question why. Wayward felt inevitable – a follow-up that we've all been waiting for.
As one might imagine, this is quite a heavy read. Both literally and figuratively. The book is MASSIVE, yet I can't think of a single section I would have cut out, given a chance. Much of the story feels painfully relevant, so I can see why people have latched onto this series so strongly.
As with the first novel, Wayward is made up of several perspectives. This helps to give us a better view of the world. It also reminds us of the diversity among people – even a limited number of survivors. I liked that little implication.
Science Fiction + Horror
Post Apocalyptic
Rebuilding Society
Thanks to Del Rey Books and #NetGalley for making this book available for review. All opinions expressed are my own.
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