Quirky Cat
I Come with Knives is the second novel in S.A. Hunt's Malus Comestica series, and it is seriously not one to miss out on, especially for fans of paranormal horror.
Robin has spent her whole life riding that fine line between reality and illusion. She's a monster hunter that hides out in the open, making use of YouTube videos to keep her life on the road moving forward. Not that anyone believes her hunting as anything other than fake, thank goodness.
However, that was before Robin was thrown into a dark and complex plot. Now she understands the demon that is hunting her, and she's finally got a chance to do something about it, especially with the help of her new friends.
“Revelation yawned before her, a chasm of secrets. Afraid, the girl pushed it away.”
I Come with Knives is a fast-paced, thrilling, and intense read. It has the perfect balance of fantasy (paranormal) and horror to keep me fully invested all the way through. Frankly, I enjoyed every moment of this intense read.
To be fair, this is probably not the best series for the faint of heart. Robin's hunts are far from peaceful jaunts – they are, in fact, quite brutal and bloody as any monster hunt would realistically be if you think about it.
While I adored the first novel in this series, I think I Come with Knives has quickly become my new favorite. I learned so much more about Robin in this story, and it really went a long way in explaining the why and how of it all.
More importantly, she really grew and changed over the course of this story, as she is forced to face such horrible threats and the trauma they bring with them. It's a lot to take in, to be honest. But it also made the story feel so much more real and human because of it.
Thanks to Tor Books and #NetGalley for making this book available for review. All opinions expressed are my own.
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