However, the idea of Graces more than makes up for the unimaginative geography. I love the idea of people with superpowers that are everyday talents boosted to infinity. A Grace can be anything from brilliant pastry chef to pitch perfect singer or someone might find themselves Graced with the ability to spot a lie at 50 paces. It's difficult to blend in though if you find yourself with a Grace, because you also find yourself with different coloured eyes....a dead giveaway.
I thought the story itself moved along pretty fast but the romance element that ran through it wasn't really much of a romance and there wasn't enough spark to make what little there was believable.
I liked the ending and it got quite nailbiting towards the finale and the book is not without some really hateful characters who make you root for the heroine.....but I'm probably not going to read the rest of the series
It's worth reading though, just for the novel idea of the Graces.