Written on Jul 27, 2014
Even if Ned, The Black Prince or Queen Philippa wasn’t portrayed like I’ve thought them to be, I could have liked this. Even The Black Prince throwing tantrums at every possible moment wasn’t enough but I just couldn’t like Joan. What a naïve, little idiot. Over half of the book she spent pining for Holland and the other half she was scared of Ned. She moved very quickly from being scared of Ned to lusting after Holland was dead. Just saying…
Joan and Holland were honestly surprised about how much their marriage was being objected. Like Holland said at some point “I didn’t know the King cared that much” or something like that. Umm, you marry the king’s cousin without permission and you think he won’t mind? Idiots.
The book would have been much more interesting told from Queen Philippa’s POV and to see why she did the things she did. Joan just wasn’t interesting enough to carry the book.