Written on Jul 29, 2018
Yet another fantastic book from CoHo. I don't understand how she manages to pull this off?!
I mean. It's essentially just the same story from another POV. Except it's not! It's so much more than that.
It's about Holder, how he came to, in fact, be Holder. It's about Daniel, his best friend (and may I just add WHAT AN AMAZING CHARACTER HE IS!). Les, his sister. *sigh*
Okay, so the pacing is a bit slow, mainly because we already know what's going to happen for the most part. The writing is still good though, and I kept on reading, reading, reading, because I needed to find out what was in that letter!
I don't understand how it could break my heart all over again, when I already knew the story, yet it did. HOW?! I guess that's just what CoHo does to you.
One thing I will say though, is that I missed one particular scene; Breckin and Holder planning Sky's birthday.