Nessa Luna
Written on Jul 11, 2013
I had heard about this book not long after it has been first released. I went looking for it in several shops, but I couldn’t find it anywhere, so I decided to stop looking. I bought other books and kinda forgot about this one. Until this month, when I took a look at some books on the Book Depository. Shatter Me was among them, and I decided to buy it because the summary sounded really interesting to me.
It was indeed an interesting book, and I liked how some of the sentences in the book were crossed out, like you see on the cover of the book as well. I had hoped for some more explanation for Juliette’s ‘power’, but I think (and hope) we’ll find out more about that in the second (or third) book.
Overall I liked the story, I liked the way it was written, though there was one part that I didn’t like at all, but that’s a bit of a spoiler (but to anyone who’s read the book, I hope you can guess which part I mean, if you’ve read my previous reviews).
There is a novella, called ‘Destroy Me’, and a sequel called Unravel Me. A third book and another novella are both confirmed to come out, but neither of them have titles yet.