I thought The Gravity of Birds was interesting and was quite strong at the beginning in presenting the two storylines: that of the Kessler sisters and the arrival of Thomas Bayber in their lives, and the contemporary story with an elderly Thomas seeking out the sisters. It left me wondering what what happened to the Kessler sisters, what was really going on between them as the rift was palpable even at the start, etc. The book was also interesting on touching on themes of art, the drive to create, and art criticism, all of which were pretty strong early in the novel. Core to this novel however is the theme of family and the notion of how strong the bonds of blood are when faced with illness and personal tragedy, disappointment and resentment.
Having said that, the novel sort of ambled in the latter half of the novel. I’m not sure if it was the time that I finished reading the book, but one minor problem I was having throughout the novel was my sense of time within the story. Most chapters indicate the year in which events in the chapter are taking place, either in the past or the present, but a) sometimes the 1960s/1970s events feel like they could take place in the early 20th century, and b) some of the chapters are missing dates when the shift has turned from Alice to Dennis and Stephen. Also, while I don’t mind that the emphasis shifted towards the mystery in the second half with the two storylines merging, it physically felt like the novel moved away from the earlier themes of art and self.
Despite of this, I did enjoy reading The Gravity of Birds. The story of Alice and Natalie and Thomas had me completely enthralled, as well as Dennis and Stephen’s attempts to find out what happened back then. Speaking of which, the Dennis and Stephen dynamic was quite interesting to read at first especially as their road trip started off rather hilariously. But I felt like their respective character stories weren’t as strong as they could be (though Dennis’ personal backstory was much more interesting and fleshed out), probably just because the main story was just too intriging to digress to other characters that weave in and out of the main story. I would recommend The Gravity of Birds to readers of historical fiction.
Rating: 3.5/5