Written on Dec 10, 2014
Can I give this 6 stars? Every time Randi publishes a new book in this series, my love for each book keeps on growing! Let’s start off with Callan, the funniest, cutest, sweetest, dirty character I have loved. Callan comes up with such weird conversations. Abby, his girlfriend, and Callan got into a heated discussion because of ice cream flavors. He made Eve practically swear an oath that she can never order black raspberry ice cream in the presence of Callan because fruit flavored ice cream shouldn’t exist. During this scene, I had a huge grin on my face and ended up bursting out loud with laughter. Imagine in a house full of silence and suddenly hearing someone laughing hysterically…let’s say my mom wasn’t happy.
I had major feels when Michael, the Archangel, had a private talk with Eve and got choked up. I won’t say why because it would be a HUGE spoiler that had me with my mouth open for a while. Once I read it, I thought why didn’t I notice it before but I guess Randi really wanted the element of surprise for this one.
Ever since I started reading this series, I loved Gage and I still do, especially in this book because the reader can get even more attached to him, since he makes more appearances in this book. He is a very sexy guy that I have learned to love throughout the series…sometimes I feel like killing him, though. He has a very “sexy, panty-dropping” smile and smirk, so yes my lovely ladies, Gage is H-O-T!
Now let’s get to the good part: Eve and Asher! I mentioned in my review for Revelation and Restraint that Asher was my perfect book boyfriend, close to Daemon Black. Now, they are battling for first place and Asher is winning. He is the perfect gargoyle ever and he is amazing and hot and sweet and protective and gorgeous and sexy and unf! Okay, sorry. I love him, I love him, I love him! Eve’s and Asher’s relationship is very rocky and oh-so forbidden and that’s why I love it. That ending, though! I messaged Randi and told her it PIERCED MY HEART! It was so heart-breaking and gut-wrenching and just… I couldn’t deal. I know why Eve did what she did but why like that? That was just…no, not nice at all.
I can’t wait to read Revolution, the fourth book in the series, which comes out next year! I am in love with this series. The best series I have read in 2014…the best New Adult Paranormal Romance story ever.