Written on Jul 8, 2016
Irish-born Patrick Flynn was just a young wharf-rat when he decided he would make a killing in trade and then marry the grandest lady in all of England. Now that he was a rich man and co-owner of one of the largest shipping companies in England, it was time to find himself the finest Lady in England to be his wife. Flynn thinks he is no fool. He knows that a formerly Irish-upstart will need to buy himself a noble wife. But Flynn’s dream of a high-born wife is the dream of a young boy. It takes a while for the man to realize that even marrying an aristocrat’s daughter won’t help him be accepted into London society. He will always be a barely tolerated upstart. He might even be looked down upon by his own wife’s family. Worse, finding just the right Lady to be his wife doesn’t guaranty that she will love him, or even like him, and what man want to have an unwilling wife in his bed.
It has taken too long for common sense to find its way back to Flynn and realize that the perfect wife for him has been standing right in front of him for months now. Lady Beatrice’s “niece” Daisy Chance and Patrick Flynn have been fast and easy friends since he arrived in London. They each know about having big dreams and about the hard work which is needed to attain those dreams. Flynn doesn’t have to hide his work-roughened hands from Daisy. She understands that the only way out of the gutter is through hard labor. She also has a head for business. Daisy and Flynn can easily talk for hours about topics considered gouache by the ton.
When goaded into a kiss, Flynn is quick to realize that the instant flair of passion between him and Daisy isn’t something that comes around often and cements his decision to give up the idea of a high-born lady and turn his eye on the woman he wants to raise a loving family with — Daisy Chance.
But Flynn is in for a hell of fight if he wants Daisy for his wife. Daisy wants nothing more than to have her dress shop catering to all the rich ladies of the ton. She has no interest in husbands and what does she know about babies and small children. It’s not like anyone ever raised one in the brothel. Worse, if Daisy were to get married, all her property would belong to her husband, including her hard-earned dress shop. Daisy has been taken advantage of before so she can’t bring herself to trust that strongly ever again. She doesn’t believe that Flynn would betray her like that, but…but, if he did, losing her dream after how hard she fought, that would destroy her.
If Flynn wants Daisy to be his wife, he is going to have a fight on his hands, but for the wharf-rat turned shipping magnate, the fight is half the fun.
I am so sad to see the end of Lady Beatrice and her gels. I had been looking forward to Daisy’s story for awhile now. Daisy had no interest in learning to dance or other ladylike society trappings. Daisy’s only focus has been creating the beautiful gowns that the girls were wearing and someday owning her own shop where the fashionable ladies would come to her for their elegant ball gowns. Although Daisy fought against having a HEA, she deserved one most of all.
It took Flynn way too long to realize that having a proper Lady for his wife, one with the right pedigree and whose father was desperate enough to allow Flynn to marry her for his money, was not going to bring him the happiness that he remember his parents marriage to be.
I will say that I don’t know that I would have been able to listen to hours of this story done correctly by a narrator especially the scenes with Flynn and Daisy between Flynn’s Irish accent and Daisy’s cockney accent.
This was a such an enjoyable story and if we must walk away, it was a wonderful conclusion to the Chance Sisters and Lady Beatrice.
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