Written on Jan 30, 2010
Anyway, apparently, this was a whole different book for me than what others read. The “huge,” “never saw it coming” surprise I guessed just from reading the jacket cover, so the whole book felt like trying to shake “H,” the narrator, awake. At least he admits as much himself, in hindsight. Honestly, I couldn’t imagine making it through the first chapter without recognizing the end, but then I’m always able to guess twists or endings miles ahead so don’t take my word for it.
Still, the writing was sturdy, if not adventurous, and witty, if not sparks and flame. It would have been forced as a novel, but hovering somewhere between a short story and novella, Meg Rosoff just gets away. There were enough solid passages I thoroughly enjoyed that I’m bumping the rating up a grade despite the indulgent “twist!”