Written on Jul 22, 2015
The story kicks off when Jessa runs into a magician and gets tangled up in magical and political warfare. First off, I loved Jessa as a protagonist. She's witty and level-headed, and I immediately grew attached to her. The magician she encounters is charming and mysterious, and I just loved him to death. There's also a magical blackbird, who Jessa names Sir Bird and who completely stole my heart. He is the purest soul.
The only qualm I had with Illusions of Fate was the villain, who was interesting but lacking in cohesiveness. He is dang scary though - let's just say there's a scene involving fingers and a hammer that scarred me a bit. In comparison to Kiersten White's other books, I thought this novel was leagues above her Paranormalcy trilogy, which I enjoyed enough when I was younger but did not love. I was especially impressed with her writing and characterization in this book.
To wrap up, Illusions of Fate is now an instant favorite that I'll be revisiting for sure. Though the story felt complete, I almost wish there were a sequel.