Witness in Death is the tenth book in J.D. Robb’s In Death series. This book came out in early 2000. which means I would’ve been in high school when it was released. (I’m giving away my age.) This book was...
Read moreWitness in Death is the tenth book in J.D. Robb’s In Death series. This book came out in early 2000. which means I would’ve been in high school when it was released. (I’m giving away my age.) This book was another great addition to my new favorite Romantic Suspense series.
Storyline: Eve Dallas and Roarke are enjoying a great evening at New York’s New Globe Theater. It’s about to turn into a murder when they witness the leading male actor stabbed on stage. Now it’s a crime scene for Eve Dallas to solve. This case, though, will put Eve through the wringer after she starts investigating the actors and actresses that were on stage. Roarke is there along the way for her. There’s also Peabody, McNabb, Feeney, and Trueheart (the young rookie that Eve has helped).
My Thoughts —>
I knew the minute J.D. Robb had Eve and Roarke enjoying a night out that it was not going to be a quiet one. They can’t seem to catch a break. J.D. Robb, can they have a vacation already? They both deserve it. I love the fact that Roarke loves helping Eve with her cases, even though she’s against him helping. He’s always doing things illegally. He gets things done faster, though. He’s my favorite guy in this series, and you’ll find out if you read this series (or if you already started this series.) A couple of things bothered me in this book: Eve and Peabody disagreeing with each other and then Eve’s motives for handling possible suspects. I got over them, though, after certain things started happening. (No spoilers.) I love Eve and Peabody being partners and don’t like them getting in fights.
Poor Eve was sleep deprived in this book, and she also was dealing with her nightmares again. It doesn’t help when certain things bring up what happened to her as a child. Poor Eve! This case was not an easy one for the characters. At the end of the book, it was a big shock who was behind it all. J.D. Robb does a fantastic job of concluding the book. Although, she puts her characters through so much. That is why Eve and Roarke deserve a vacation. Peabody deserves one too. Hopefully, the next case is a little easier, but I know that’s not going to happen.
Standalone or Part of Series: Part of series and recommend reading in order.
Would I recommend this book? Yes, definitely. I give the tenth book in the series 4.5 stars. I don’t think there has been a book yet in this series that I can’t recommend. I love each book I’ve read so far in the series. I recommend this series to Romantic Suspense and Mystery readers out there. It’s based in a futuristic world, which is another reason why I’m enjoying it. (AutoChef’s that cook your dinner, vacations on other planets, etc.)
I can’t believe it took me this long to start this series. Thanks to the #InDeathReadALong hosted by @utcbookblog and @pnrbookloverreviews, I’ve been reading one book a month for the series. Hopefully, I can start reading more than one book in 2021.