- SPACE ARCHAEOLOGY. Well technically it's all on Earth but yeah. ARCHAEOLOGY.
- The whole premise of the story.
- The universe that it is set in.
- The world building was just... uh. Non-existent. Basically everything was portrayed to the reader through HUUUUGE info dumps, and it was all from Jarra answering questions and lecturing her fellow students. No-one except Jarra seemed to know ANYTHING about their own civilisation and the way it was exposed to the reader really bugged me.
- And Jarra. Oh my god. What an insufferable know-it-all. If I was in that class I probably would've punched her in the face in a matter of days. EVERYONE ELSE ON THE COURSE, FORGET ABOUT YOUR DEGREE. JARRA GETS TO DO EVERYTHING BECAUSE SHE'S SPECIAL.
So yeah. I quite liked the story. In fact I liked it a lot. But I just really HATED Jarra and how she constantly lectured everyone - it really dragged the rating down for me.