Written on Nov 17, 2017
"The higher up, the harder the fall." (Patch Cipriano)
I haven't read a book in a long time so just before my exams started, I was looking for a book to read. I wanted a fast-paced and fun read that I could finish before my exams started and I discovered Hush, Hush. The good thing is that Hush, Hush is an 'out of sigh, out of mind' book. I was so engrossed in Hush, Hush while I was reading it, but the moment I put it down, I forgot about it.
Nora, the main character of Hush, Hush is confusing. She's naive and trusting, but she's also paranoid and suspicious. Nora feels that someone is following her, starts seeing things that aren't there and starts suspecting everyone around her. But, she also blindly follows people that she barely trusts, doesn't listen to the warning bells in her head and does stupid things. Nora could have avoided so many dangerous situations if she had listened to the warning voice in her head. An example of Nora's fickle personality is her reaction towards Patch. Patch scares her because he harasses her and stalks her and a few moments later, she changes her tune, and states that Patch would never hurt her.
Patch is supposed to be a typical bad boy, mysterious and dangerous, but he's actually a terrible love interest who continually harasses and stalks Nora and makes her feel uncomfortable, fearful and unsafe. I hate when abusive, obsessive and possessive characteristics of love interests are romanticized.
Vee, Nora's best friend, is annoying. In the beginning of Hush, Hush, I liked her because she was humourous and outspoken, but her personality ended up suffocating me. Everything that she does or says is extremely annoying and makes her seem like a terrible best friend. One instance that really annoys me is when Vee starts talking to Nora about Patch in a purposely loud tone so that Elliot can hear them at the Delphic amusement park. She then brings Elliot into the conversation about how Patch is obsessed with Nora. What does she want Elliot to do? Get into a fistfight with Patch or something?
Hush, Hush wins the Weirdest Biology Class Ever award. Our very normal protagonist is forced to sit next to the mysterious and not quite human love-interest in Biology. I've never seen that in a book before! This Biology class is not based on research, experimentation, evidence and concrete facts. Instead, it's all about sleuthing and assumptions. The first assignment in this Biology class is to find out about one's Biology partner to prepare one for sleuthing. This is solely so that the protagonist can interact with her Biology partner for the first time. Also, when Nora goes to her Biology teacher and tells him that the seating arrangements isn't working and that Patch is making her feel uncomfortable, he ignores her and tells her to tutor Patch instead. No normal teacher will brush aside the fact that one student is making another student feel uncomfortable.
There is a eerie atmosphere in Hush, Hush and there is also lots of mystery. Nora doesn't know what's real and what isn't, whether somebody is really following her or if it's just a figment of her imagination and if someone is following her, who are they and what they want from her. Everyone in this book is a potential suspect/villain. I like reading about all the craziness and drama that is going on in this book.
The lore surrounding fallen angels is interesting and original. I don't think I've read about fallen angels in other books that are similar to the fallen angels in Hush, Hush. I'm also interested to see where this series goes when it comes to its angel lore.
Hush, Hush is a fun and entertaining read. The dialogue is humourous and the story flows logically and is easy to read. The mystery and angel lore is interesting, but the characters are confusing and annoying. Maybe if I read Hush Hush 5 -6 years ago, when I was a fan of the Fallen series, I would have enjoyed it more.
"There was nothing wrong with fire... as long as you didn't stand too close." (Nora Grey)