Written on Oct 23, 2017
I think this is my favorite story in this series. I really love Kira. She has so much strength. Not only is she mostly blind, she is also a prey species around predators. When her family takes advantage of that fact, she didn’t let it get her down. She escaped to find a fun life for herself.
Kira is a weremole. She was raised in her father’s wolf pack. Things were okay until she hit eighteen, then everything changed. The pack decided she would be a great test subject to test a poison. She has the scars to prove it.
Isaac is the last of the Abrams brothers. He is the clan healer, but when he is severally scared while fighting the hyenas in an earlier book, his life is changed forever. He even leaves the clan for a while. People look at him differently. He is convinced that he will not be able find a mate in Grayslake, so he plans to leave. That is until the little weremole and her crazy dog, who is the worst seeing-eye dog in the world, come into his house as he’s packing.
I love seeing these two come together. They love each other, despite all their faults. I loved the time with Ebenezer Hufflensuffle or Snuffletruffle or Snoffleblossom or Fufflehaffle or whatever name she is calling him (there is a story behind his name that was really cute). Anyway, I loved this final story of the Abram’s brothers, but not the final story to the series. There is one last full-length novel about a wolf that was banished from Grayslake.
Kendall Taylor continues to do a great job with the narration of this series. I love all the voices that she’s chosen for the different characters. I think she really pulls the emotions of each character out. There are some great scenes in this book that she just really nailed the character’s emotions. I would highly recommend her.
**I like to thank the publisher for providing me with a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.