Written on Jun 14, 2020
+A return to the 1990s! Well, it actually starts in Summer of 1989, before my time, but still. The decade of my childhood. The days of mixed tapes and VHS rentals.
+Cameron knows she likes girls and never doubts it, even attending a church and youth group every week which tells her that it's wrong. Is it really sinful? Cameron doesn't know, she just knows that it's part of who she is. Although she's not out. Not quite.
+The second half of this book is set at a conversion camp in disguise as a real school. Well, they do real school work and all that, but the main purpose is essentially to "pray the gay away." It was sick and fascinating. Cameron never falls prey to it though. She plays along to not get in trouble, but she's not giving in to their manipulation. Things get very dark, very fast though.
-Looong chapters.
-When is something going to happen?! The first half was sooo slow. Everything just dragged. Then it got really good, and just ended.