Emma (SCR)
Nate Braden is, like all Braden's Nate is hot. Not your average hot oh no The Braden men are on another level. They are sweet and they are sexy and they make your whole body melt. Nate's also an honourable but tormented man. He blames himself for Rick's death and the guilt is eating him alive. He's been in love with Jewel forever but how can he ever be with her knowing that it's his fault her brother died.
Jewel Fisher is a strong woman. She loves her family and will do anything for them. She's given up having her own life to take care of her younger siblings. Now she needs live her own life but can she let go of the reins that she has to tightly wound around them. Jewel has lost more than any 22-year-old should ever have to and she's so scared she'll lose more.
As always Melissa had me in tears multiple times throughout this book but the conversation between Nate and Anita Fisher really got to me. Melissa's writing has a way of weaving the characters into your heart so that you car about them like family.
I absolutely loved meeting the new Braden gang and I can't wait to read more about them in the upcoming books.