Written on Oct 23, 2012
This book had me reeling in anticipation, excitement, anger and heart-break.
Outpost is just as exciting, if not more than Enclave. The second book to this series is packed with fear, action, fighting, romance and bravery. In a nutshell; I loved it.
In Outpost Deuce, Fade, Stalker and Tegan are now living in Salvation; a town on topside that is surrounded by walls to keep the freaks out. Each one of them have been taken in by a different family, they’ve been split up and made to go to school. Everyone want’s them to fit in but for Deuce this is hard because she isn’t anything like the other girls. Fade isn’t speaking to her and she doesn’t know why, Tegan also keeps her distance but Stalker sticks around although because of his tattoo’s on his face he doesn’t seem to fit in either. Deuce decides to join up to the summer patrols whom guard the planters that harvest food for the winter while they work in the fields.
The freaks aren’t known to attack Salvation often, only when they’re starving but for some reason they seem to be around more than usual, what worries Deuce even more is that the freaks also seem to be acting different.
Outpost was one of those books that I couldn’t put down. When I picked it up to read it I got so lost in it’s pages that I had no recollection of time passing as I read, so I would read for hours non-stop without realising. I actually quite like it when I get stuck into a book this much, it tells me it’s one awesome book and it definitely deserves the five stars.
I felt like I connected with Deuce on some level in this book. She mostly always put the people she cared about first, even if it meant she was in pain herself. That touched me and I understood where she was coming from. I loved that she wasn’t selfish like a lot of YA heroine’s can be, that was incredibly refreshing.
Overall, I really enjoyed this book! It was fast paced, action packed and exciting. I loved every minute of reading it.
Outpost is an exciting post apocalyptic book that has you’re heart racing.
This review was originally posted on Simply Adrift