Liz (Bent Bookworm)
Written on Apr 18, 2019
3/5 stars. The third in the Spirit Animals series, Blood Ties moves the quest of the four Chosen kids - Conor, Abeke, Meilin, and Rollan - onward. This time they are searching for the talisman of the Great Beast Dinesh (the elephant). After the startling end to the second book, this one picks up right after those events, and for the first two-thirds has separate timelines following the separated parties.
The separation of the group really made this book struggle. There was so much back and forth that it was really annoying and a bit confusing. Also, the writing is kind of awkward at times - I think Nix is used to writing for an older audience, and struggled some with writing a middle grade.
The last third of the book is what saved it from a lower star rating. The battle scene was well-written, and the ending broke my heart. As usual, the next step in the quest is revealed as well, and that sounds extremely interesting.
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