Written on Mar 14, 2016
When I first started Alienated, I thought was going to be reading another generic YA novel that I would most likely put down and stop reading. However right off from chapter one I was pleasantly surprised. The writing was good, the character set-ups were interesting, there was more going on than just a budding romance. At least that was my first impression.
Cara has been chosen as one of earth's ambassadors to be apart of an exchange program with the aliens - L'eihrs. She's reluctant to say yes to this opportunity that will sky rocket her journalist career and give her sponsorship to any college that she wants. But after thinking about it some more, she decides to put her hesitance behind her and give it a go. She would tackle the matter like a full time job and come out the other side a success!
Aelyx is a L'eihr, his people made contact with aliens, known as humans, two years ago. In that time they have discovered that they are better than humans in everything - there is no anger or conflict on L'eihr and therefore no war, they procreate for the benefit of the future and not for love, their technology and science is years a head of anything on Earth. He is chosen as one of the L'eihr students to be apart of the exchange, he and his friends aren't happy about it, but what can you do? He would never go against what his Elders believed. However, the students in the Aegis on L'eihr decide to not back down and stand up for their beliefs; humans and L'eihrs shouldn't co-exist like the Elders believe.
The beginning
At first, I was plesantly surprised about Alienated, the beginning of the story really got me hooked. I wanted to know more about Aelyx and the L'eihrs, I wanted to know more about Cara and her life, and I wanted to see what would happen to Cara since she voluntarily allowed an alien to live with her in her house and follow her around her school.
The first thing that's stated about Aelyx through Cara's eyes, is that he is unbelievably good looking. The first thing we learn about Cara through Aelyx's eyes is that she seems tolerable. I hated how Cara described Aelyx, I just don't think it was needed, it made me start to doubt my earlier thought of this book being about the story rather than the romance. Of course later I realised my initials thoughts were correct about this just being another YA romance.
I really liked the blog segments of the story. I thought it was a really cool addition and I thought it would be a cool way to narrate the story and to add to it. However I soon realised that the blog segments weren't going to do any such thing, they were more just random facts about L'eihrs that the readers don't get to find out through reading the story. That was a bit of a bummer as I thought that devise of writing could have really added so much more to this book. However, half way through the blog segments kind of just disappeared from the story. It was annoying that they faded out and became irrelevant to the story, gone was the storyline of Cara trying to become a journalist etc.
I also really liked the character development and change that Aelyx went through through-out the book. At the beginning he was noticeable different, but as he learnt about life on earth and how humans interacted, he really changed and adapted.
The irks
In the beginning the one thing I couldn't stand was that Cara's friends didn't even try to get along with Aelyx, I hated that Cara put up with her supposedly best friend Tori when Tori kept taking digs at her about Aelyx staying. If I were Cara I would have told Tori to shut up and leave if she didn't like it, and if I were Tori I would have never treated or blamed Cara for anything, I would have made the most of a bad situation.
Then as I read on, there was a whole host of things that I couldn't stand.
Alienated started off so well. I really thought it was going to be more than a YA romance, I thought there was going to be more of a story and that the romance would be a by-product of the story. However Alienated ended up just being a story about an alien that looks nearly identical to humans, is super hot, learns that there's more to life than being an emotionless robot, falls in love with a human and tries to not jump her every time he sees her.
I was so disappointed.
Of course there was more to the story though, like how Cara and Aelyx were in danger because the majority of humans were terrified of the L'eihr and their fear kept escalating, eventually Aelyx and Cara couldn't leave Cara's house because they were in serious danger of being hurt. Aelyx and his fellow L'eihrs were keeping secrets from everyone, and there's something more going on with earth and the L'eihrs. But all of that just wasn't enough to save the story for me.
The downright frustrating
"... this isn't just some random hookup!" ... "We're in love!"
When I read that, I actually groaned out loud and banged my head on the table. Are you freaking serious?! Who says that?! Love? Ah, no. I did not believe that Cara and Aelyx were in love. At all. Attraction? Sure. Like? Yeah. Love? No way, they still barely know each other! There weren't many times in the book where I felt like Cara and Aelyx really got to know each other. There were some moments, but as the story went on I felt like those moments were forced for the story, and I wasn't really buying the 'connection' they were meant to be having.
Three pages after Cara declares her and Aelyx aren't just young teenagers getting it on for fun and that they're actually in love, Aelyx stated that he thought 'Cara was mature beyond her chronological age', that statement was very untrue and just pissed me off even more. Cara definitely never acted mature, she was a teenager and when it came to love - she was a love sick puppy that just wanted to get into someone's pants.
Rounding up
So in the end, I thought I wouldn't like Alienated, then I was pleasantly surprised at the opening and the beginning of the story. But as the story continued I realised my initial feelings were correct; Alienated is a cute love story about two people of quite different origins trying to overcome obstacles and to be together.
If that sounds like something you like to read, then I suggest you pick this up because you will like it!
I however don't like that kind of plot, so I just couldn't come to enjoy this like I wanted to. I really hope Invaded isn't going to be all about the romance, I want more story, mystery and action!
This review was originally posted on Simply Adrift